The background on this card is created with the "dirty" stencil from the Basket Weave Florals blog post...
So once I had used the stencil to create the card in that post... I didn't just want to wash off all the magical Pixie Sparkles that were sparkling away on the top of my stencil....
So I laid it face down on to a piece of card and popped on top a sheet of copier paper... (this will absorb any splurges of product that come out from under the stencil)... and used a brayer to roll over the top of the paper... this will apply pressure to the stencil and make it print the "waste" off of the stencil and on to your cardstock.
For this project I did this on to a piece of Dark Grey card, I just love how the dark undertone makes the colours pop!
For more ideas on how to use Pixie Sparkles, please feel free to download our FREE ideas sheet!
Click through on the "BUY NOW" button and follow the instructions to download your FREE ideas sheet. For this project I have followed the ideas sheet for instructions on -
Stencilling With Clear Texture Paste I hope you enjoy this post, please share your creations with us in our group...
Jamie -x-