So often I wish to create a frame with foam tape or double sided tape.. that I am going to cover with glitter or flakes etc, and you will probably still be able to see the join of the foam tape etc.
So it is really nice to be able to mitre your corners... now for this tip I am probably teaching my grandmother how to suck eggs lol... but it took me many years to work this out! (no judgement please lol).

Snip off a piece of foam tape, now it can literally be a square if you just wish to mitre the end of the strip... or you can plan ahead and cut the length for the next side of the frame so we kill two birds with one stone...
Once cut take the strip and stick it to the top of the next length of foam tape (leaving the lid topper in place on both pieces as we don't want them to stick together forever)

Now snip through this corner diagonally with some non stick scissors.

Hey presto you have 2 mitred corners ready to join together for your frames.
This of course works for card, double sided tape, ribbon, etc... so feel free to experiment.

I hope this helps!
If you need foam Tape you can find it here - Glues & Sticky Bits | Craftmania (craftmaniacrafts.com) Jamie -x-
I've never heard of the non stick scissors before do you have any in your shop?