Wistful Window Etched Dies is part of the Stained Glass Bouquet Collection by Becca Feeken. This set of seven thin metal dies creates a simple oval design in the center framed in a rectangular stained glass pattern of straight lines and soft flourishes. There are two smaller sizes of the same rectangular frames and an oval shape to finish out the set
Approximate Size:
Outer Frame Rim: 4.80 x 6.80 in./12.20 x 17.30 cm
Outer Frame Insert: 4.50 x 6.50 in./11.40 x 16.50 cm
Medium Frame Rim: 3.50 x 5.50 in./8.90 x 14.00 cm
Medium Frame Insert: 3.30 x 5.30 in./8.40 x 13.50 cm
Small Frame Rim: 2.40 x 4.40 in./6.10 x 11.20 cm
Small Frame Insert: 2.30 x 4.30 in./5.80 x 10.90 cm
Oval: 1.20 x 3.20 in./3.00 x 8.10 cm
Wistful Window - Stained Glass Bouquet Collection By Becce Feeken
SKU: s6-171
£25.50 Regular Price
£12.75Sale Price